It’s the first day of Spring – and Chatty has been given gifts!

    Today is the first day of Spring! 

    It is also Chatty’s birthday. Chatty just loves it when the vernal equinox falls on her day of birth, as it does this year.

    Plus, what Chatty can only consider to be another gift from Mother Nature – Chatty’s first iris has bloomed:


    Chatty has been given yet another gift – this one from “Mrs. G” – but for that, you’ll have to read on…

    For the past few weeks now, these lovely flowers have been showing themselves in glorious multitudes:


    When Chatty lived in the Los Angeles area, she always looked forward to the poppies, because February and March are the months when the California poppies array themselves in profusion. They are also orange and yellow, and incredibly beautiful, but they grow more “in the wild” than in gardens. Well, let’s just say that they refused to grow in Chatty’s garden. To be fair, Chatty uses the phrase “garden” loosely. Very loosely. Chatty has a black thumb. So, she always had to go elsewhere to view California poppies. It didn’t seem fair…these poppies feel free to grow all over the freeway embankments, in empty fields…basically anywhere except in Chatty’s yard.

    But these daisy-like Arizona beauties have shown Chatty a kindness – she doesn’t have as many as most yards, but she does have a few by the side fence…and the petals are so shiny they look as though they’ve been buttered…or at the very least, sprayed with “Pam” – but Chatty promises she DIDN’T!


    Now, on to the other gift Chatty mentioned earlier. Chatty has been invited to “guest host” on one of her favorite blogs. Mrs. G, chatelaine of Derfwad Manor, showcases a different blogger each Thursday as a way of introducing her readers to other blogs – and to give those other blogs a chance to be discovered by the many people who already visit Derfwad Manor on a regular basis. Mrs. G is a kind and wonderful person. The fact that Chatty’s day to guest-host falls on her birthday is just icing on her cake!

    If you want to read Chatty’s interview, her favorite poem, and a couple of her favorite recipes, please go to Derfwad Manor sometime today, and look for Slow Cook Thursday.  Once you have read Chatty’s interview, take some time to learn a bit about life at Mrs. G’s manor – you’ll be glad you did.

    Happy Spring!

About merseamersea

setter of cryptic crosswords, designer of jewelry, paper and card maker, editor, quilter, embroiderer, cook, avid mystery reader and occasional writer. Find me on Facebook as Maggie-beth Rees Rasor.
This entry was posted in Arizona, Guest-hosting Derfwad Manor, photos, Random Observations. Bookmark the permalink.

15 Responses to It’s the first day of Spring – and Chatty has been given gifts!

  1. Laura Healy says:

    Hi. I’ve wandered over from Derfwad Manor. Both of your recipes look delicious and I can’t wait to try the fancy pants Williams Sonoma one! Lovely photographs here, sprayed with Pam indeed!

  2. Angie says:

    Hello, Chatty! Loved your interview at Mrs. G’s. We share a love of Mark Knopfler – in fact, we are going to see him in concert in Minneapolis this summer. I grew up on Dire Straits and have always loved his music. Also, as hard as it sounds, I’m trying your recipe – my mouth watered when I read it – that’s always the test as to whether it’s worth making or not! Happy Birthday – have a great day!

  3. Heather says:


  4. Mrs G says:

    Your flower photos are perfect for this first day of spring. Happy Birthday. I hope the day is special for you.

  5. Keetha says:

    Oh! I have a black thumb, too. Your lovely flowers are giving me hope. While I hail from and now live in Mississippi, I once lived in Mesa, then Gila Bend, Arizona. For whatever that’s worth.

  6. gary says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY and look at all those pretty flowers you lucky ducky (SNOW here, darnit…)

  7. GORGEOUS Iris!!! Iris are my absolute favorite… I too once lived in Los Angeles and know the CA poppy and they are pretty, but I love Iris and thank you for sharing the photo! I’m away from my home garden and home Iris and anyway, they will not be blooming in MT for some months. and “many happy returns of the day” (I think Pooh said that???) – anyway, Happy Birthday! BTW – found you at Derfwad Manor and glad I did!

  8. Jenn says:

    I believe it was Mrs. G who introduced us in the first place–she is a kind and wonderful woman! Right now we have the poppies and iceplant, but also some magnificent lupine. It’s a wonderful year for wildflowers here in San Diego. The chili looks great–I will definitely try it.

  9. Janet says:

    The Year of Living Biblically cracked me UP! And I love Tim Curry, too; remember his song, I Do The Rock (hahaha takes on a whole new meaning these days) back in the 70s?

  10. Janet says:

    Oh, and Happy Birthday!!!

  11. Chatty! What a beautiful Birthday present Mama Nature gave you! Irises are my favorite! Irises and Canna Lillys… Those daisies are a wonderful substitute for California poppies, I miss them too. The sea of wild poppies flowing on the side of the highway always made me think of the Daffodils poem “…Ten thousand saw I at a glance,Tossing their heads in sprightly dance…”ahhhh…sometimes I miss California. I’ll go right on over to Derfwad Manor and check out your other B-day present right now! Congrats!!! And Happy Birthday!

  12. JCK says:

    Happy Birthday, Chatty. From another black thumb who lives in your former land, although I am just north of Pasadena. LOVE the gorgeous flower pictures today. What a treat to read your interview on our lovely Mrs. G’s blog and then come on over. I hope you have a wonderful birthday full of good things.

  13. wenderina says:

    Hey – came from Mrs. G’s place. Great interview and the recipes look yummy. Arriving here I was so happy to see your flowers. Being a New Yorker we are still several weeks away from seeing the first blooms and yours made me truly feel like today IS the first day of Spring. Happy Birthday!

  14. anydiets says:

    And you have a cool site and blog!

  15. gyroscopyref says:

    And you have a cool site and blog!

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